Today is our 3 year anniversary. On one hand it seems like the
last 3 years have just flown by, and on the other hand it seems like we have been together forever. Either way the last 3 years have been awesome. Here is a quick recap of "Joel and Darci".
2005- Met in the singles ward in
I went to one of his concerts at the high school where he teaches. I was very impressed.
I told Joel "I think I'm going to marry you!"
Most guys would have run screaming, but without missing a beat he replied "
I'm free on Saturday!"
He asked me out for our first date right after that.
We dated from M arch-September
Got engaged in September.
Bought a house in October. I moved in.
Planned a wedding.
2006- Married 2/11 in the
Redlands, California Temple
Joel moved in.
2007- Married =)
2008- Married =)
Jackson born 11/3
2009- Living happily ever after
A couple of my favorite wedding pics.

And here we are today. Happy as can be!

I really love my husband and my life with him. I am so lucky to have him. Everyone who knows him just adores him and he really is my best friend. Since it is our 3rd year anniversary, here are just 3 of the many reasons I love my Joel.
1. He makes me laugh every single day. I mean it, there has not been a single day since we started dating when he hasn't made me laugh. He is the funniest person I know.
2. His testimony. He has such awesome faith and is such a good example to me and for Jackson. He truly makes me want to be a better person to be worthy of him.
3. He does everything in his power to make me happy. He is always thoughtful and considerate and puts up with my sometimes
difficultness. What more could a girl want!
He really is the best!! And we are genuinely happy. And I know that this is just the beginning. I look forward to every day and more happiness to come.