Saturday, June 13, 2009

Such a good year!

Most people find out I teach 8th grade and have the same sort of reaction. "Oh, you are brave" or "How do you handle those kids?" or something to that effect. Before I started teaching I would have thought that I would have been scared of them myself, but I love my job! This year that just past has been my favorite so far. It went super fast, especially since I was gone for a third of it with Jackson's birth, and I had the greatest kids. I absoluetly LOVED my homeroom class this year. They were such a fun group of young men and young women and I really got to know each and every one of them. They are smart, respectful, (I never had any major discpline problems with them) and they were fun to teach. They even would get excited about the things they were learning. A teacher's dream come true!
The last couple of weeks of the school year were so fun. We have tons of special 8th grade promoting activities and it is fun to watch the kids be kids. Sometimes I have to remind myself that they are really just children in almost grown up bodies but being with them at Disneyland and playing games with them proves just that. I will really miss this group of kids and I hope that my class next year will be just as great.

Aren't they cute! This was right before the promotion ceremony in case you are wondering why they are dressed up.
Besides hoping to get another great class, I am excited about next year for another reason. I will working part time, 3 days a week, so that I can stay home with Jackson a little more. I think it will be a really good balance for me.
by the way- I'm not sure about the legalites of putting minor's pictures on the web. If somebody knows that its a problem please let me know. I don't want to get in trouble I just wanted to show off my awesome class.


  1. Darci! I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. You are a terrific person and I can tell you're a wonderful teacher. I love it and I'm glad you're so happy.

  2. I'm so proud of you Darci! Glad to hear you're so happy! And I am really jealous that you get to work part-time. I go back to work TOMORROW and am not looking forward to it. Wish me part-time luck for the future!
